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Taming the Beasts: How to Outsmart Cognitive Biases in Hiring

Updated: Jul 20

As hiring managers, you strive to make objective, data-driven decisions. But the truth is, our brains are wired with shortcuts and mental quirks that can cloud our judgment. These are called cognitive biases, and they can wreak havoc on your hiring process. So what can we do about it and what are the sorts of biases we all have?

The Culprits:

  • Anchoring Bias:  The first piece of information you encounter about a candidate can anchor your perception of them. Don't let a flashy resume or a low salary expectation overshadow a well-rounded skillset.

  • Sunk Cost Fallacy: Just because you've invested time interviewing a candidate doesn't mean you have to hire them if they're not the right fit. Don't be afraid to cut your losses and move on.

  • Availability Heuristic:  Recent or vivid experiences can skew your judgment. Don't base your decision on the last bad interview you had.

  • Confirmation Bias: We tend to favor information that confirms our existing beliefs. Don't get hung up on a candidate who seems like a "perfect fit" on paper; actively seek out information that might challenge your initial impression.

  • Curse of Knowledge: Don't assume everyone has the same level of expertise. Explain technical concepts in clear language and tailor your questions to the candidate's experience level.

Here's How to Fight Back:

  • Blind Resumes:  Consider removing identifying information from resumes during the initial screening process to focus on skills and experience.

  • Behavioral Interviewing:  Focus on past behaviors to predict future performance. Ask questions that begin with "Tell me about a time when..."

Broad Careers does just that for you! Our unique matching system uses 100 points of information to find a candidates strengths and skill sets. You just need to run an open position though the system to see who matches. It doesn't even cost anything to do it. View the information about these people and follow the rest of your hiring process as you normally would, including the people we find for you who you think would fit your role.

Remember, you're not just hiring a candidate, you're investing in the future of your company. Make it a smart one! Contact us on to find out more today.


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